Tuesday 17 April 2012

TÜV SÜD Academy: Continuing education's five biggest mistakes and how to avoid them
Munich. While "lifelong learning" is a buzzword in education today, it often receives little more than lip service. This may be because continuing professional development, although important for both companies and their workforces, often takes second place to everyday business. Kai Probst, CEO of TÜV SÜD Academy explains the five biggest mistakes encountered in continuing education – and how to avoid them!
1.    Booking the next best seminar merely because the dates are convenient.
"Continuing education should not be used as a form of escapism from work, but should benefit your career. Given this, in-depth analysis should precede the choice of a seminar or training course and be the basis for the final decision", explains Kai Probst. What point have I reached in my career? Where do I want to go? What specialist knowledge will be essential in my company or sector of industry in the coming years? What direction are today's developments in technology and the associated standards and rules taking? How can I realize my career opportunities, and what additional qualifications do I need to do so?
2.    Booking a seminar with a no-name training company.
Education and training need to be targeted and technically sound to be effective. However, the continuing education and training market is not always clear-cut. Learners looking for a renowned and expert training provider should consult various specialist media or online portals to check out suppliers that can provide the requested qualifications. The number of courses and dates offered can also be an indicator of the training company's experience. The best solution in all cases is to seek out well-founded consultancy and ask friends, colleagues and supervisors for personal recommendations.
3.    Making 'lowest cost' the key selection criterion for a seminar.
Continuing education is expensive. However, investing in continuing education and training that provides little and inadequate knowledge transfer is even more costly. Given this, quality and the aimed-for qualifications should be critical factors in choosing continuing education: Is a single seminar more suitable for me, or should I choose a longer-term training scheme with training modules that build on each other? Is a certificate of attendance sufficient for me or do I need to gain specific qualifications or accredited personal certification? Incidentally, demand for the latter is rising, particularly for management representatives or international activities.
4.    Attending continuing education and training without prior preparation.
"Learners who start to think about the subjects of a seminar or training course well in advance reap greater benefits from their attendance", notes continuing education expert Probst. What do I expect from this seminar, and what am I particularly anxious to learn and know about the subject? Do I have general questions concerning working methods or self-management, or general technical questions? And how does this subject interface with my daily work in my company? How can I apply my new knowledge at my workplace or even pass it on to my colleagues after the seminar?
5.    Not attending any continuing training or education at all.
Kai Probst spells it out that "The biggest mistake of all is not to attend any continuing education at all. Given the speed of technological change and the increasing pace of development, it is imperative that employees constantly update their skills and knowledge. Today, technological expertise in particular comes with an expiry date, and experts who fail to keep up to date will not progress in their careers. When it comes to continuing education, lack of decisive action may mean missing out on the opportunity for a new, exciting job or expanding your sphere of responsibility – with the attendant pay rise."

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