Thursday 3 November 2011

TÜV SÜD: Effective windscreen wipers enhance visibility and safety

The average German driver buys new windscreen wiper blades every two years. Are your current wipers still performing reliably, or do you need new blades to restore visibility? As winter approaches, this is the time to take a close look at your windscreen wipers. TÜV SÜD has some practical tips.

Although windscreen wipers operate directly within the driver's field of vision, they often fail to get the attention they deserve given their important contribution to safety, ensuring clear road visibility in poor weather. But they generally only seem to merit a closer look when the windscreen no longer comes up sparkling or when they begin to squeak irritatingly at every sweep. By the time they reach this stage, good wiper blades will already have cleaned an area equivalent to a dozen football pitches. "The primary wear factors for windscreen wiper blades are not only sheer driving distance and driving in the rain; in fact, summer heat and ultraviolet rays wreak the most damage“, says Eberhard Lang, TÜV SÜD's car expert. Insects also cause damage to wiper blades; the chitin their bodies are made of is extremely hard and can actually rip microscopic notches in the rubber. It follows that changing the blades before winter is a logical step.

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